React.useRef() plays two roles Creates mutable variable, that persists over component renders, but does not trigger a render if it is changed, like state Keeps reference to a DOM element if it is passed to ref attribute of html element Mutable variable It is kind of global variable, component based, ones component is unmounted the ref is destroyed. In our example we count number of clicks and store it into clickRef.current variable The click counter will not trigger a render, but will survive through renders, even if it is defined inside the component. Html reference We pass div element into divRef variable via ref={divRef} and can access the element later with divRef.current In our example we change color of html element with button click. const style = { border: '2px solid grey', padding: '10px', margin: '10px', maxWidth: '500px' } function Component() { const [clicksState, setClicksState] = React.useState(0) const addCounter = () => setClicksState(clicksState + 1) const clickRef = React.useRef(0) const countClicks = () => clickRef.current++ const divRef = React.useRef(null) const changeBorderColor = () => { = === 'red' ? 'grey' : 'red' } return ( <div style={style} onClick={countClicks} ref={divRef} > <div>Clicks inside the box: <b>{clickRef.current}</b></div> <div>Counter: <b>{clicksState}</b></div> <button onClick={addCounter}>Add +1 to re-render component</button><br /> <button onClick={changeBorderColor}>Change border color</button> {console.log('render happened')} </div> ) } Pass ref in props useRef() can be passed in props, like any other variable ref attribute can not be used, because this name is reserved by React We use myRef attribute function PassRefInProps() { const myRef = useRef() return ( <> <Input myRef={myRef} /> <button onClick={() => myRef.current.focus()}>Focus</button> </> ) } function Input(props) { return <input ref={props.myRef} placeholder='Custom input'/> } React.forwardRef() We still can use ref attribute to pass a ref But need to wrap our component into React.forwardRef() high order component function PassRefViaReactForwardRef() { const ref = useRef() return ( <> <MyInputWrappedInForwardRef ref={ref} placeholder='I am a placeholder'/> <button onClick={() => ref.current.focus()}>Focus</button> </> ) } function MyInput(props, ref) { return <input ref={ref} {...props}/> } const MyInputWrappedInForwardRef = React.forwardRef(MyInput) Multiple refs for html element Sometimes we may need to add several refs to an element For example we add some functionality to an existing code where ref is already in use We may use a callback variant const customRef = { current: null } export const ComponentWithRef = () => { const externalRef = useRef(null) return <MultipleRefs externalRef={externalRef} /> } export const MultipleRefs = ({ externalRef }) => { const internalRef = useRef(null) return ( <> <div ref={(element) => { internalRef.current = element externalRef.current = element customRef.current = element }} css={{ background: 'lightgrey' }} > div element </div> <br /> <button onClick={() => { const element = internalRef.current const color = === 'red' ? 'green' : 'red' = color }} > change background <br /> with internal ref </button>{' '} <button onClick={() => { const element = externalRef.current const color = === 'red' ? 'green' : 'red' = color }} > change background <br /> with external ref </button>{' '} <button onClick={() => { const element = customRef.current const color = === 'red' ? 'green' : 'red' = color }} > change background <br /> with custom ref </button> </> ) }