Values of these properties are technically numbers w/o "px" Geometry properties are zero/null for elements that are not displayed .offsetParent returns nearest positioned ancestor or td , th , table , body returns null for not displayed elements, <body> , <html> , elements with position:fixed Positioned element is an element with position equals to absolute , relative , fixed or sticky document.querySelector('#add-shortcut').offsetParent // div#add-box .offsetTop & .offsetLeft x/y coordinates relative to offsetParent upper-left corner document.querySelector('#add-shortcut').offsetTop // 53 document.querySelector('#add-shortcut').offsetLeft // 72 .offsetHeight & .offsetWidth outer width/height of an element including borders full size including borders document.querySelector('#btns-box').offsetWidth // 647 document.querySelector('#btns-box').offsetHeight // 52 .clientTop & .clientLeft borders width/height relative coordinates of the inner side from the outer side the distances from the upper-left outer corner to the upper-left inner (content + padding) corner For left-to-right OS they are always the widths of left/top borders For right-to-left OS the vertical scrollbar is on the left so clientLeft includes its width too document.querySelector('header').clientTop // 1 // css style: border-top: 1px solid #e0e0e0 .clientHeight & .clientWidth size of the area inside the element borders the width/height of the content including paddings w/o scrollbar scrolled content below is not included if no paddings, then clientWidth/Height is the content area, inside the borders and the scrollbar (if any) document.querySelector('#btns-box').clientWidth // 105 document.querySelector('#btns-box').clientHeight // 42 document.documentElement.clientWidth // 670 // whole page width 680 // 10px is scrollbar document.documentElement.clientHeight // 937 // scrolled content below is not included .scrollHeight & .scrollWidth full inner height of the content area including the scrolled out parts like clientWidth/clientHeight, but also include scrolled-out, invisible part of the element document.querySelector('html').clientHeight // 937 document.querySelector('html').scrollHeight // 3502 Expand element's width to its full width/height. = `${element.scrollHeight}px` .scrollTop & .scrollLeft width/height of the hidden, scrolled out part of the element in other words, scrollTop is “how much is scrolled up” document.querySelector('html').scrollTop // 0 document.querySelector('html').scrollTop // 1166 // after small scroll Can be modified & browser will scroll the element document.querySelector('html').scrollTop = 10 const html = document.querySelector('html') html.scrollTop = 10 html.scrollTop = 0 html.scrollTop = 1e9 html.scrollTop += 10 isHidden() Can check if an element is hidden returns true for elements that are on-screen, but have zero sizes, like an empty div function isHidden(elem) { return !elem.offsetWidth && !elem.offsetHeight } scrollbar width const scrollBarWidth = (el) => el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth put element in the middle Code won’t work reliably while ball has no width/height. const toMiddle = (el, container) => { = Math.round(container.clientWidth / 2 - el.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = Math.round(container.clientHeight / 2 - el.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'; } window width/height Without scrollbar document.documentElement.clientHeight document.documentElement.clientWidth With scrollbar More useful... window.innerHeight window.innerWidth DOCTYPE Odd things are possible w/o <!DOCTYPE HTML> document width/height Due to some inconsistency from the past the most reliable way to get full height and width... const scrollHeight = Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight, document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight ) .pageYOffset & .pageXOffset Scroll position. window.pageYOffset window.pageXOffset .scrollY & .scrollX Same scroll position. window.scrollY window.scrollX .scrollLeft & .scrollTop Same, but can be buggy. document.documentElement.scrollLeft document.documentElement.scrollTop scrollTo() Scrolls the page to absolute coordinates... window.scrollTo(pageX, pageY) scrollTo(0, 0) // scroll to the top scrollBy() Scrolls the page relative to its current position... window.scrollBy(x, y) scrollBy(0,10) // scroll a bit down scrollIntoView() Scrolls the page to make el visible on the top of the window... el.scrollIntoView(true) // scrolls the page to make el visible on the top // true is default, not mandatory el.scrollIntoView(false) // scrolls the page to make el appear at the bottom document.querySelector('table').scrollIntoView() // table on the top document.querySelector('table').scrollIntoView(false) // scroll the whole table Forbid the scrolling page will “freeze” at its current scroll position drawback of the method is that the scrollbar disappear and page jumps can be tackled, by comparing clientWidth before and after the freeze and adding padding to document.body = "hidden" = "" getComputedStyle() width/height depends on box-sizing property that defines “what is” CSS width and height CSS width/height may be auto, for instance for an inline element scrollbar may have an impact do not use getComputedStyle(el) el.getBoundingClientRect() Window relative coordinates for a minimal rectangle that encloses an element has properties bottom height , left , right , top , width , x , y .bottom from top window side to bottom el's edge .bottom from left window side to right el edge same coordinates as in clientX/Y don’t have to round coordinates when setting to style.left & const rect = document.querySelector('button').getBoundingClientRect() rect.bottom // 411.296875 // from top window side to bottom el edge // not as "bottom" CSS with position "fixed" rect.height // 40 rect.left // 265.5 rect.right // 370.5 // from left window side to right el edge // not as "right" CSS with position "fixed" // 371.296875 rect.width // 105 rect.x // 265.5 // no support by IE rect.y // 371.296875 // no support by IE