Install Ruby and restart your PC if you are on Windows machine. Type ruby -v in terminal to see the version. For me it is ruby 3.0.3p157 (2021-11-24 revision 3fb7d2cadc) [x64-mingw32] Get started Create a file file.rb with the following code puts 'hello world' , run it from the terminal with command ruby file.rb and get output hello world . So Ruby is installed and executable. Print puts 'hi' # hi # adds new line at the end # returns nil print 123; print 456; print 789; # 123456789 # prints without new line p 'hi' # "hi" # shows raw version # returns passed object puts [1,2] #1 #2 print [1,2] # [1, 2] p [1,2] # [1, 2] Load # file1.rb puts 'hello from file 1' # file2.rb load 'file1.rb' When we execute ruby file2.rb we get hello from file 1 Comments # single line comment =begin multiline comment =end Variables name = "John" num = 123 cond = true p name, num, cond # "John" # 123 # true Types p 1.class # Integer p 1.234.class # Float p "string".class # String p false.class # FalseClass Conversion p 4.to_s # "4" p 4.to_f # 4.0 p "4".to_i # 4 Escape characters # \ backslash # \' single quote # \" double quote # \a bell # \b backspace # \f formfeed # \n new line # \r carriage # \t tab # \v vertical tab Constant is writable A_CONST = 123 A_CONST = 321 p A_CONST # file.rb:2: warning: already initialized constant A_CONST # file.rb:1: warning: previous definition of A_CONST was here # 321 Input print "Enter your name: " name = gets.chomp p "Hello #{name}" # Enter your name: John # "Hello John" print "Enter number: " num = gets.chomp.to_i puts "5 + #{num} = #{5 + num}" # Enter number: 1 # "5 + 1 = 6" Strings Multiline str1 = 'line1 line2 line3' p str1 # "line1 line2 line3" str2 = %/line1 line2 line3/ puts str2 # "line1 line2 line3" str3 = <<EOM This is a very long string that contains interpolation like #{600 + 66} EOM puts str3 Interpolation name = "John" p "Hello #{name}" # "Hello John" p 'Hello #{name}' # "Hello #{name}" # interpolation not working with single quotes Length name = "John" p name.size # 4 p name.length # 4 Case name = "joHn" p name.upcase # "JOHN" p name.downcase # "john" p name.capitalize # "John" Reverse name = "John" p name.reverse # "nhoJ" Include name = "John" p name.include? "ohn" # true p name.include? "xxx" # false Start with p 'hello'.start_with? "hel" # true Index p 'hello'.index("e") # 1 Count p "vowels in the 'hello' word: " + "hello".count("aeiou").to_s # "vowels in the 'hello' word: 2" p "consonants in the 'hello' word: " + "hello".count("^aeiou").to_s # "consonants in the 'hello' word: 3" Strip (trim) p " hello ".lstrip # "hello " p " hello ".rstrip # " hello" p " hello ".strip # "hello" chop p "hello".chop # "hell" p "hello".chomp("lo") # "hel" delete p "hello".delete("l") # "heo" split p "hello".split("") # ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"] p "hello".split("e") # ["h", "llo"] Concatenation p "Hello, " "how are you" # "Hello, how are you" p "Hello, " + "how are you" # "Hello, how are you" p "Hello, ".concat("how are you") # "Hello, how are you" Freeze str = "Hi" p str # "Hi" str = str << " again" p str # "Hi again" str.freeze str = str << " again" p str # "Hi again" # can't modify frozen String: "Hi again" (FrozenError) Compare p "hi" === "hi" # true p "hi".eql? "hi" # true Access characters str = "Hello from Tokyo" p str # "Hello from Tokyo" p str["from"] # "from" p str[0] # "H" p str[0, 4] # "Hell" p str[0..10] # "Hello from" p str[0, str.length] # "Hello from Tokyo" p str[-4] # "o" p str.length # 16 Operators Math p 10 + 20 # 30 p 20 - 10 # 10 p 20 * 10 # 200 p 20 / 10 # 2 p 20 / 9 # 2 p 20.to_f / 9 # 2.2222222222222223 p 20.0 / 9 # 2.2222222222222223 p 20 / 9.0 # 2.2222222222222223 p 10 % 3 # 1 p 2 ** 3 # 8 Comparison p 2 == 3 # false p 2 != 3 # true p 2 > 3 # false p 2 < 3 # true p 2 >= 3 # false p 2 <= 3 # true Logical p (true && true) # true p (true and true) # true p (false || true) # true p (false or true) # true p (!false) # true p (not false) # true Array Create p arr1 = [1, "two", 3, 4.4] # [1, "two", 3, 4.4] p arr2 = # [] p arr3 = # [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil] p arr4 =, "empty") # ["empty", "empty", "empty", "empty", "empty"] Size arr1 = [1,2,3,4,5] p arr1.size # 5 p arr1.length # 5 arr2 = p arr2.size # 5 Access arr = [1,2,3,4,5] p arr[0] # 1 p arr[1,4] # [2, 3, 4, 5] p # 2 p # nil p arr.values_at(0,1,3) # [1, 2, 4] p arr.fetch(1) # 2 p arr.fetch(5) # index 5 outside of array bounds: -5...5 (IndexError) p arr.first # 1 p arr.last # 5 p arr.take(2) # [1, 2] arr.each do |value| p value # 1 2 3 4 5 end Manipulate arr = [1,2,3,4,5] p arr.push(6) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] p arr << 7 # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] p arr.unshift(0) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] p arr.insert(3, 666) # [0, 1, 2, 666, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] p arr.pop # 7 p arr # [0, 1, 2, 666, 3, 4, 5, 6] p arr.shift # 0 p arr # [1, 2, 666, 3, 4, 5, 6] p arr.delete(666) # 666 p arr # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] p arr.drop(3) # [4, 5, 6] p arr # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Include? arr = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] p arr.include?(2) # true Count arr = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] p arr.count(2) # 2 Empty? arr = [] p arr.empty? # true Join arr = [1, 2, 3] p arr.join(" ") # "1 2 3" p arr.join # "123" Reverse arr = [1, 2, 3] p arr.reverse # [3, 2, 1] Select arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] p { |num| num > 2 } # [3, 4, 5] p arr # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] flatten p [1, 2, [3, 4, 5]].flatten # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] p [1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]].flatten # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] each arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] arr.each do |el| p el end # 1 2 3 4 5 map arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] p { |el| el * 2 } # [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] concat arr = [1, 2, 3] p arr.concat([4, 5, 6]) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] p arr # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] uniq arr = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] p arr.uniq # [1, 2, 3] p arr # [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] Hash (object) Create hash1 = { "name" => "John", "sex" => "male", "age" => 35 } hash2 = Hash[ "name", "Jane", "sex", "female", "age", 35 ] p hash1.size # 3 p hash2.size # 3 Default key hash ="no such key") p hash["country"] # "no such key" Access hash = { "name" => "Jane", "sex" => "female", "age" => 35 } p hash["name"] # "Jane" p hash["sex"] # "female" p hash["age"] # 35 p hash["country"] # nil hash.each do |key, value| p "#{key} : #{value}" end # "name : Jane", "sex : female", "age : 35" Add hash = { "name" => "Jane", "sex" => "female", "age" => 35 } hash["country"] = "USA" p hash["country"] # "USA" Delete hash = { "name" => "Jane", "sex" => "female", "age" => 35 } hash.delete("name") p hash # {"sex"=>"female", "age"=>35} Merge hash1 = { "name" => "Jane", "sex" => "female", "age" => 35 } hash2 = { "age" => 66, "country" => "USA", } p hash1.merge(hash2) # {"name"=>"Jane", "sex"=>"female", "age"=>66, "country"=>"USA"} p hash1 # {"name"=>"Jane", "sex"=>"female", "age"=>35} Update hash1 = { "name" => "Jane", "sex" => "female", "age" => 35 } hash2 = { "age" => 66, "country" => "USA", } p hash1.update(hash2) # {"name"=>"Jane", "sex"=>"female", "age"=>66, "country"=>"USA"} p hash1 # {"name"=>"Jane", "sex"=>"female", "age"=>66, "country"=>"USA"} Has key, value hash = { "name" => "Jane", "sex" => "female", "age" => 35 } p hash.has_key?("name") # true p hash.has_value?("Jane") # true Has key, value hash = {} p hash.empty? # true Conditions if if 2 > 1 p "2 is greater than 1" end # "2 is greater than 1" p "2 is greater that 1" if 2 > 1 # "2 is greater that 1" if-else if 1 > 2 p "1 is greater than 2" else p "1 is not greater than 2" end # "1 is not greater than 2" else-if if 2 > 2 p "2 is greater than 2" elsif 2 == 2 p "2 is equal 2" else 2 < 2 p "2 is less than 2" end # "2 is equal 2" unless (negated 'if') x = 3 unless x < 5 p 'x >= 5' else p 'x < 5' end # "x < 5" Ternary statement yesOrNo = 2 > 1 ? 'yes' : 'no' p yesOrNo # "yes" Case statement print "Enter day num: " day = gets.chomp.to_i case day when 1 p "Mon" exit when 2 p "Tue" exit when 3 p "Wed" exit when 4 p "Thu" exit when 5 p "Fri" exit when 8..Float::INFINITY p "not valid" exit else p "weekend" end # Enter day num: 5 # "Fri" # Enter day num: 7 # "weekend" # Enter day num: 10 # "not valid" Loops For for i in 1..5 p i end # 1 2 3 4 5 for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] p i end # 1 2 3 4 5 arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for i in arr p i end # 1 2 3 4 5 while x = 1 while x < 5 do p x x += 1 end # 1 2 3 4 do loop do p "enter a num > 10" num = gets.chomp.to_i if num > 10 p "thank you" break end end # "enter a num > 10" # 11 # "thank you" until i = 1 until i === 5 p i i += 1 end # 1 2 3 4 each arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] arr.each do |num| p num end # 1 2 3 4 5 (1..5).each do |num| p num end # 1 2 3 4 5 break for i in 1..5 if i === 3 break end p i end # 1 2 next for i in 1..5 if i === 3 next end p i end # 1 2 4 5 redo (repeat current iteration) i = 1 while i < 5 p i i += 1 # redo if i === 5 end # 1 2 3 4 i = 1 while i < 5 p i i += 1 redo if i === 5 end # 1 2 3 4 5 retry for i in 1..5 begin p i raise if i === 5 rescue retry end end # 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5... Function Function declaration def hello p "hello from method" end hello # "hello from method" def hello() p "hello from method" end hello() # "hello from method" def hello(name) p "hello from #{name}" end hello('John') # "hello from John" def hello(name = "John") puts "Hello from #{name}" end hello # "hello from John" Function expression (lambda) hello = lambda {p 'hello'} # "hello" hello.() # "hello" hello.[] # "hello" hello.=== # "hello" Arrow function hello = -> { puts "hello" } # "hello" hello = -> (arg) { puts "hello " + arg }"John") # "hello John" Catch errors (begin-rescue) print "Enter a number : " first_num = gets.to_i print "Enter Another : " second_num = gets.to_i begin answer = first_num / second_num rescue # You could use rescue ZeroDivisionError puts "You can't divide by zero" exit end puts "#{first_num} / #{second_num} = #{answer}" # Enter a number : 5 # Enter Another : 0 # You can't divide by zero Symbols Symbols are strings that can't be changed Use them to speed string comparisons Use them if string value won't change & no need to access to string methods Many Ruby methods take symbols as arguments Symbols are used as keys for hashes p :derek # :derek p :derek.to_s # "derek" p :derek.class # Symbol p :derek.object_id # 1101468 Class Initialize, getter, setter, method, self class Car @brand @model @topSpeed def initialize(brand = "some brand", model = "some model", topSpeed = 100) @brand = brand @model = model @topSpeed = topSpeed puts "creating Car object" end # setter 1 def set_brand(new_brand) # We can eliminate bad input in our setters if new_brand == "Apple" puts "Apple is not a car brand" else @brand = new_brand end end # setter 2 def model=(new_model) @model = new_model end # getter def brand @brand end def model @model end def topSpeed @topSpeed end # method def tellAboutCar() p "your car is #{self.brand} #{self.model} with top speed #{self.topSpeed}" end end someCar = p someCar.brand # "some brand" someCar.set_brand("Toyota") p someCar.brand # "Toyota" someCar.set_brand("Apple") # Apple is not a car brand p someCar.brand # "Toyota" tesla ="Tesla", "Model 3", "220") p tesla.brand # "Tesla" tesla.model = "Modle Y" tesla.tellAboutCar() # "your car is Tesla Modle Y with top speed 220" Accessors (shortcut for getters & setters) class Dog attr_reader :name, :height, :weight attr_writer :name, :height, :weight # or just # attr_accessor :name, :height, :weight def bark return "Generic Bark" end end rover = = "Rover" p # "Rover" p rover.bark # "Generic Bark" Inherit class Dog attr_accessor :name, :height, :weight def bark return "Generic Bark" end end class GermanShepard < Dog def bark return "Loud bark" end end chelsy = = "Chelsy" p, chelsy.bark() # "Chelsy" "Loud bark" Module Modules hold methods, but unlike classes, modules can not be instantiated, meaning it is not possible to create objects from a module. With modules we can share methods between classes. # animal.rb module Animal def make_sound puts "Grrrrrr" end end # file.rb load 'animal.rb' class Dog include Animal end rover = rover.make_sound # Grrrrrr Enumerable Classes that include the Enumerable module get nice methods. To make class enumerable we have to define each function. class Menu include Enumerable # Each provides items one at a time def each yield "pizza" yield "spaghetti" yield "salad" yield "bread" yield "water" end end menu_options = # cycle through all items menu_options.each do |item| puts "Would you like : #{item}" # "pizza" "spaghetti" "salad" "bread" "water" "pizza" end # check if we have an item p menu_options.find { |item| item == "apple"} #nil p menu_options.find { |item| item == "pizza"} # pizza # return items over 5 letters in length p { |item| item.size > 5 } # ["spaghetti"] # reject items that meet the criteria p menu_options.reject { |item| item.size > 5 } # ["pizza", "salad", "bread", "water"] # first item p menu_options.first # "pizza" # first 2 items p menu_options.take(2) # ["pizza", "spaghetti"] # everything except first 2 p menu_options.drop(2) # ["salad", "bread", "water"] # min p menu_options.min # "bread" # max p menu_options.max # "water" # sort p menu_options.sort # ["bread", "pizza", "salad", "spaghetti", "water"] # reverse menu_options.reverse_each { |item| p item} # "water", "bread", "salad", "spaghetti", "pizza" File Create, add, read # Returns a File object for writing myFile ="file.txt", "w") # write text in the file myFile.puts "1st line" myFile.puts "2nd line" # Closes the file myFile.close # Read data from the defined file data_from_file ="file.txt") p data_from_file # "1st line\n2nd line\n" Append myFile ="file.txt", "a") myFile.puts "3rd line" myFile.close p"file.txt") # "1st line 2nd line 3rd line " Process text"file.txt") do |line| line.each do |item| p item end end # "1st line\n" # "2nd line\n" # "3rd line\n" Ruby cheat-sheet on every property and method.