Parameter vs argument const example = (parameter) => alert(parameter) example(argument) Comma separated arguments The most common way to pass parameters to a function is to put them inside parenthesis separated by comma. function mail(msg, to) { return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' } mail('Hello', '') // "Hello" sent to "" Default values inside function We can assign default values inside a function. function mail(msg, to) { msg = msg || 'Hello' to = to || '' return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' } mail() // "Hello" sent to "" mail('Bye') // "Bye" sent to "" mail('Bye', '') // "Bye" sent to "" Default values in parenthesis Or we can assign default values right in parenthesis. function mail(msg = 'Hello', to = '') { return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' } Parameters in array We can pass arguments by spreading array values. const arr = ['Hello', ''] mail(...arr) // "Hello" sent to "" Unlimited number of arguments More parameters than supposed can be passed. Function will take only first ones. mail('Hi', '', 1, 2, 3) // "Hi" sent to "" arguments object All arguments are accessed within function inside a special iterable arguments variable. In arrow function arguments variable doesn't exist. function func() { return arguments } func(1, 2, 3) // [Iterator] 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3 const func = () => arguments func(1, 2, 3) // arguments is not defined Arguments in object Pass arguments to a function separated by comma is ok, but we have to remember the sequence of arguments. Instead we can pass arguments in an object. function mail(obj) { return '"' + obj.msg + '" sent to "' + + '"' } mail({ msg: 'Hello', to:'' }) // "Hello" sent to "" mail({ to:'', msg: 'Hello' }) // "Hello" sent to "" Destructure object in place Object can be destructed. function mail({ msg, to }) { return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' } mail({ msg: 'Hello', to:'' }) // "Hello" sent to "" Object with default parameters And default values can be assigned. function mail({ msg = 'Hello', to = '' }) { return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' } mail({}) // "Hello" sent to "" mail({ msg: 'Bye' }) // "Bye" sent to "" mail() // Cannot read property 'msg' of undefined Destructuring assumes that function has an argument. If we want all values by default, then we should specify an empty object. function mail({ msg = 'Hello', to = '' } = {}) { return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' } mail() // "Hello" sent to "" But it looks bulky and there is a more straight forward approach. The best approach function mail(args){ let defaults = { msg: 'Hello', to: '' }; let params = {...defaults, ...args}; const { msg, to } = params; return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' } mail({}) // "Hello" sent to "" mail({ msg: 'Bye' }) // "Bye" sent to "" mail() // "Hello" sent to "" Or even shorter. function mail(args){ const { msg, to } = { msg: 'Hello', to: '', ...args}; return '"' + msg + '" sent to "' + to + '"' }