Parallel fetch & abort Had a challenge to fetch thousands of items in batches Every batch is 5k lines If we reach the end, then next returned batch from api is an empty array Loading to be done in parallel to save time How to solved launch 20 fetch functions at the same time, which is more than enough for my situation associate every fetch with abort controller track order of fetches and abort controllers as soon as fetch returns an empty array all next fetches are aborted const controllers: AbortController[] = [] const maxQueries = 20 const itemsPerQuery = 5000 for (let i = 0; i <= maxQueries; i++) { controllers.push(new AbortController()) } const fetchSmallBatch = async (): Promise<Receipt[]> => { const res = await fetch(url.receipts({ start: '0', count: '50' }), { credentials: 'include' }) if (!res.ok) throw Error('Problem fetching receipts') const data: Receipt[] = await res.json() return data } type Props = { start: string count: string orderInQueue: number } const fetchBigBatch = async ({ start, count, orderInQueue }: Props): Promise<Receipt[]> => { const controller = controllers[orderInQueue] const signal = controller.signal const res = await fetch(url.receipts({ start, count }), { credentials: 'include', signal }) if (!res.ok) throw Error('Problem fetching receipts') const data: Receipt[] = await res.json() if (data.length === 0) { for (let i = orderInQueue; i < controllers.length; i++) { const isAborted = controllers[i].signal.aborted if (!isAborted) { controllers[i].abort('no data in prev portion --> no need to fetch this on') } } } return data } await fetchSmallBatch() const promises = [] for (let i = 0; i <= maxQueries; i++) { promises.push(fetchBigBatch({ start: String(i * itemsPerQuery), count: String(itemsPerQuery), orderInQueue: i })) } const startTime = await Promise.allSettled(promises).then(data => { console.log(data) const endTime = console.log(`Fetching took ${endTime - startTime} ms`) }).catch(error => { console.log(error) }) Parallel queries with useQueries We can make parallel queries with tanstack Nice thing is that queries in tanstack have a retry mechanism by default import 'ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css' import 'ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-alpine.css' import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react' import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { Box, LinearProgress } from '@mui/material' import { columnDefs, defaultColDef } from './columnDefs' import { layoutSlice } from 'shared/layouts' import { AgGridCustomStyles } from './ui/AgGridCustomStyles' import { dispatch } from 'shared/clients' import type { JSX } from 'react' import { type Receipt } from 'shared/types/Receipt' import { useReceiptsQuery } from 'entities/receipts' import { useQueries, type UseQueryResult } from '@tanstack/react-query' import { url } from 'shared/url' const queryFn = async ({ start, count }: { start: string, count: string }): Promise<Receipt[]> => { const res = await fetch(url.receipts({ start, count }), { credentials: 'include' }) if (!res.ok) throw Error('Problem fetching receipts') const data: Receipt[] = await res.json() return data } const useLoad10kItems = (queryNumber: number): Array<UseQueryResult<Receipt[], unknown>> => { const batchSize = 1000 const queries = useQueries({ queries: [...Array(10).keys()].map((number) => { const start = String(10 * batchSize * (queryNumber - 1) + batchSize * number) const count = String(batchSize) return { queryKey: ['receipts', { start, count }], queryFn: async () => await queryFn({ start, count }), staleTime: Infinity } }) }) return queries } export const ReceiptsTable = (): JSX.Element | null => { const gridRef = useRef(null) const { data: initReceipts, isLoading } = useReceiptsQuery({ start: '0', count: '10' }) const [attemptNum, setAttemptNum] = useState(1) const queries = useLoad10kItems(attemptNum) const [allReceipts, setAllReceipts] = useState<Receipt[]>([]) const areQueriesFetched = queries.every(query => query.isFetched) const accumulatedReceipts = useRef<Receipt[]>([]) useEffect(() => { if (!areQueriesFetched) return const noMoreDataAvailable = queries.some(query => !== undefined && === 0) const thereIsMoreDataAvailable = !noMoreDataAvailable const receiptsFromQueries = queries.flatMap(query => as Receipt[] if (noMoreDataAvailable) { accumulatedReceipts.current.push(...receiptsFromQueries) console.log(accumulatedReceipts.current.length) setAllReceipts(accumulatedReceipts.current) return } if (thereIsMoreDataAvailable) { setAttemptNum(attemptNum + 1) accumulatedReceipts.current.push(...receiptsFromQueries) } }, [areQueriesFetched]) return ( <Box className='ag-theme-alpine ag-receipt-table' sx={{ flexGrow: 1, position: 'relative', overflow: 'visible', height: '100%' }} > <AgGridCustomStyles /> {isLoading && <LinearProgress sx={{ height: '1px', top: '53px', zIndex: 2 }} />} <AgGridReact<Receipt> ref={gridRef} rowData={allReceipts.length === 0 ? initReceipts : allReceipts} animateRows rowSelection='multiple' suppressRowClickSelection enableCellTextSelection ensureDomOrder suppressCellFocus suppressContextMenu columnDefs={columnDefs} defaultColDef={defaultColDef} suppressScrollOnNewData onSelectionChanged={(params) => { const selectedRows = params.api.getSelectedRows() const isRowSelected = selectedRows.length > 0 if (isRowSelected) { dispatch(layoutSlice.actions.showFooter()) return } dispatch(layoutSlice.actions.hideFooter()) }} /> </Box> ) }