NPM commands All commands list . npm view package_name show package details npm repo package_name open package github npm docs package_name open readme at package github npm install sync with package.json npm install package_name install npm i same npm ci install exact versions, not produces package.json, no global packages npm i -E install exact versions npm i -D install for development npm uninstall package_name remove package npm unlink package_name same npm un package_name same npm remove package_name same npm rm package_name same npm r package_name same npm t = npm test test npm it install and run test npm init -y = npm init --yes initialize a project quickly npm run script_name run a script npm -v npm version npm i npm i produces the package.lock.json file based on package.json file npm install jquery@">=0.1.0 <3.0.0" install version within a range npm install jquery@"<3.0.0" install version below a specific version npm ci npm ci deletes the node_modules folder and installs packages according to package.lock.json file depcheck npx depcheck —oneline check for packages not used in the project npm-check-updates npm install -g npm-check-updates install globally npx npm-check-updates get details of packages updates npx npm-check-updates -u to upgrade package.json npm i install updates Check for circular references npm i -g dpdm install globally npx dpdm ./src/index.tsx check all npx dpdm -T --no-warning --no-tree ./index.tsx check for circular reference only npx dpdm --no-tree --no-warning --no-circular --detect-unused-files-from 'src/**/*.*' 'index.js' find unused files by index.js in src directory ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree while installing a package rm -rf node_modules npm config set legacy-peer-deps true npm install update specific package npm update --save name updates package in both package-lock.json & package.json files Without --save package will be updated only in package-lock.json , no clue why we may want it workspaces Workspaces provide a way to manage multiple packages within a single top-level root package For ex. we have many lambdas in folders and with workspaces we may all installation from the root with just one command It will be much faster