Acceptance criteria: years divisible by 400 ARE leap years years divisible by 100 but not by 400 are NOT leap years years divisible by 4 but not by 100 ARE leap years years not divisible by 4 are NOT leap years eliminate years divisible by 4000 as leap years // Main.js import React from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { Input } from './Input'; import { Output} from './Output'; export function Main() { const [yearTypeState, setYearTypeState] = React.useState(null); return ( <DivStyled data-testid="cmpt"> <H3>Is a leap year?</H3> <Input setYearTypeState={setYearTypeState} /> <Output yearTypeState={yearTypeState} /> </DivStyled> ); } const DivStyled = styled.div` display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; min-height: 130px; font-size: 1.3rem; `; // Input.js import styled from 'styled-components'; import React from 'react'; import { isLeapYear } from './isLeapYear'; export function Input(props) { const [inputValState, setInputValState] = React.useState(''); return ( <InputStyled type="number" placeholder="Year" value={inputValState} onChange={e => { const val =; setInputValState(val); props.setYearTypeState(isLeapYear(val)); }} /> ); } const InputStyled = styled.input` padding: 10px; min-width: 200px; font-size: inherit; `; // Output.js export function Output({yearTypeState}) { return ( <div data-testid="output"> {yearTypeState === null && <span style={{ color: 'grey' }}>Year is not provided</span>} {yearTypeState === 'leap' && <span style={{ color: 'green' }}>Yes</span>} {yearTypeState === 'not leap' && <span style={{ color: 'red' }}>No</span>} {yearTypeState === 'too large number' && <span style={{ color: 'blue' }}>The Earth doesn't exist anymore 😞</span>} {yearTypeState === 'too small number' && <span style={{ color: 'blue' }}>The Earth is not formed yet 😞</span>} </div> ) } Function that checks if a year value is a leap year // isLeapYear.js export function isLeapYear(inputVal) { const year = Number(inputVal); // if string or zero if (isNaN(year) || year === 0) return null; // if number is too big if (year > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) return 'too large number'; // if number is too small if (year < -4.543e9) return 'too small number'; // eliminate years divisible by 4000 as leap years if (year % 4000 === 0) return 'not leap'; // years divisible by 100 but not by 400 are NOT leap years if (year % 100 === 0 && year % 400 !== 0) return 'not leap'; // years not divisible by 4 are NOT leap years if (year % 4 !== 0) return 'not leap'; // years divisible by 400 ARE leap years if (year % 400 === 0) return 'leap'; // years divisible by 4 but not by 100 ARE leap years if (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) return 'leap'; // all others return 'not leap'; } Jest unit tests // isLeapYear.test.js import {isLeapYear} from './isLeapYear.js' test('is a leap year', () => { expect(isLeapYear('abc')).toEqual(null) expect(isLeapYear(0)).toEqual(null) expect(isLeapYear(undefined)).toEqual(null) expect(isLeapYear(null)).toEqual(null) expect(isLeapYear('')).toEqual(null) expect(isLeapYear()).toEqual(null) expect(isLeapYear(-12345678910)).toEqual('too small number') expect(isLeapYear(9007199254740991 + 1)).toEqual('too large number') expect(isLeapYear(4000)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(8000)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(100)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(200)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(400)).toEqual('leap') expect(isLeapYear(1200)).toEqual('leap') expect(isLeapYear(5)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(4)).toEqual('leap') expect(isLeapYear(2024)).toEqual('leap') // from the task expect(isLeapYear(2000)).toEqual('leap') expect(isLeapYear(1700)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(1800)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(1900)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(2100)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(2008)).toEqual('leap') expect(isLeapYear(2012)).toEqual('leap') expect(isLeapYear(2016)).toEqual('leap') expect(isLeapYear(2017)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(2018)).toEqual('not leap') expect(isLeapYear(2019)).toEqual('not leap') }) // Output.test.js import { render, screen, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react'; import '@testing-library/jest-dom' import { Output} from './Output'; import { isLeapYear } from './isLeapYear'; test('Output component exists', () => { render(<Output/>); const cmpt = screen.getByTestId('output'); expect(cmpt).toBeInTheDocument(); }); test('Year is not provided', () => { render(<Output yearTypeState={null}/>); const cmpt = screen.getByTestId('output'); expect(cmpt).toHaveTextContent('Year is not provided'); }); test('Yes', () => { render(<Output yearTypeState={isLeapYear(2000)}/>); const cmpt = screen.getByTestId('output'); expect(cmpt).toHaveTextContent('Yes'); }); test('No', () => { render(<Output yearTypeState={isLeapYear(1700)}/>); const cmpt = screen.getByTestId('output'); expect(cmpt).toHaveTextContent('No'); }); test(`The Earth doesn't exist anymore 😞`, () => { render(<Output yearTypeState={isLeapYear(9007199254740991 + 1)}/>); const cmpt = screen.getByTestId('output'); expect(cmpt).toHaveTextContent(`The Earth doesn't exist anymore 😞`); }); test(`The Earth is not formed yet 😞`, () => { render(<Output yearTypeState={isLeapYear(-12345678910)}/>); const cmpt = screen.getByTestId('output'); expect(cmpt).toHaveTextContent(`The Earth is not formed yet 😞`); }); Test results in console