React.lazy() We can load a component dynamically with native React high order component and do not include it in a bundle. Import a component like const HeavyComponent = React.lazy(() => import("./HeavyComponent")) Integrate it into the code within <Suspense> </Suspense> component from React. Lazy component should be exported as default . Path of an imported lazy component can not be dynamic (bad news). On a button click a lazy component is loaded and additional chunk file is being downloaded, which is visible in the network tab of dev tools. Bring some synchronous code before a render with React.useLayoutEffect() hook, to imitate that file is big. import { Suspense } from 'react'; import BasicComponent from '/components/helper_for_posts/BasicComponent'; function ComponentWithNativeLazyLoad() { const [state, setState] = React.useState(false) const HeavyComponent = React.lazy(() => import('/components/helper_for_posts/HeavyComponent.js')) return ( <> <button onClick={() => setState(!state)}>Toggle lazy components</button> <BasicComponent /> { state ? ( <Suspense fallback={<div style={{ color: 'red' }}>Loading...</div>}> <HeavyComponent num='1' /> <HeavyComponent num='2' /> <HeavyComponent num='3' /> </Suspense> ) : null } </> ) } // components/helper_for_posts/BasicComponent.js import React from 'react' import syncWait from '/functions/syncWait' export default function BasicComponent() { return ( <div> Hello, I am not lazy. </div> ) } // components/helper_for_posts/HeavyComponent.js import React from 'react' import syncWait from '/functions/syncWait' export default function HeavyComponent(props) { // do something for 1s before rendering React.useLayoutEffect(syncWait, []) return ( <div style={{ color: 'blue' }}> Hello, I am lazy and heavy {props.num}. </div> ) } // functions/syncWait.js export default function syncWait(ms = 1000) { const end = + ms while ( < end) continue }