Installation Install the library via npm npm i gsap Guideline Main aspects of GSAP are taken from the guideline . All properties in one cheatsheet . Target elements. We can access elements in gsap by reference & query selector. We also can have an array of target elements. GSAP converts parameters into inline style parameters and animate them. Basic example import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { Lnk } from './../components/Lnk'; import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { Code } from '../components/Code'; import CocaColaSvg from './svgPics/cocaCola.svg'; import TelegramSvg from './svgPics/telegram.svg'; import randomNumFromTo from './../../../helpers/functions/randomNumFromTo' const style = {width: '200px', height: '50px', margin: '10px', border: '1px solid black', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'} function BasicExample() { const ref1 = useRef() const ref2 = useRef() const ref3 = useRef() const ref4 = useRef() const allEls = useRef([]); useEffect(() => allEls.current = [ ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current, ref4.current ], []) const animate = () => { gsap.set([allEls.current, '#id450, .class564, div span.class498'], { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1, opacity: 1, backgroundColor: "transparent", borderRadius: '0%', border: "1px solid black" }), { duration: 1, x: 300 });'#id450', { duration: 2, x: 300 });'.class564', { duration: 3, rotation: 360, scale: 0.5 });'div span.class498', { duration: 1, opacity: 0.1 });[ref2.current, ref3.current, ref4.current], { duration: 4, x: 50, y: 20, backgroundColor: 'purple', borderRadius: '50%', border: "5px solid orange" }); }; return ( <> <div ref={ref1} style={style}>ref1</div> <div id="id450" style={style}>#id450</div> <div className="class564" style={style}>.class564</div> <div className="class564" style={style}>.class564</div> <div style={style}><span className="class498">div span.class498</span></div> <div ref={ref2} style={style}>ref2</div> <div ref={ref3} style={style}>ref3</div> <div ref={ref4} style={style}>ref4</div> <button onClick={animate}>Animate</button> </> ); } Ease functions Ease functions can be applied. All sets of ease can be found here . function EaseFunctions() { const ref1 = useRef() const ref2 = useRef() const ref3 = useRef() const ref4 = useRef() const allEls = useRef([]); useEffect(() => allEls.current = [ ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current, ref4.current ], []) const animate = () => { gsap.set(allEls.current, { x: 0 }), { duration: 2, x: 100, ease: '' });, { duration: 2, x: 100, ease: 'bounce.out' });, { duration: 2, x: 100, ease: 'bounce.inOut' });, { duration: 2, x: 100, ease: 'steps(12)' }); }; return ( <> <div ref={ref1} style={style}></div> <div ref={ref2} style={style}>bounce.out</div> <div ref={ref3} style={style}>bounce.inOut</div> <div ref={ref4} style={style}>steps(12)</div> <button onClick={animate}>Animate</button> </> ); } const EaseFunctions = <EaseFunctions />; Initial properties gsap.set(target, propertiesObj) can be used to set initial state properties . Also startAt property of a tween can set initial state. function InitialProperties() { const ref = useRef() const animate = () => { gsap.set(ref.current, { transformOrigin: '50% 50%', rotation: 0, scale: 2 });, { duration: 3, rotation: 360, scale: 0.1 }); }; const animate2 = () => {, { duration: 3, startAt: { scale: 2 }, scale: 0.1 }); }; return ( <> <img ref={ref} src={CocaColaSvg.src} style={{width: '100px'}} /> <div><button onClick={animate}>Animate with gsap.set()</button></div> <div><button onClick={animate2}>Animate with startAt property</button></div> </> ); } const InitialProperties = <InitialProperties />; Custom object property Custom object property can be animated with gsap. We may pass custom callbacks into gsap properties onStart , onUpdate , onComplete , onRepeat , onReverseComplete function CustomObjectProperty() { const myObject = { count: 0 } const [start, setStart] = useState('') const [update, setUpdate] = useState('') const [complete, setComplete] = useState('') const reset = () => { setStart('') setUpdate('0') setComplete('') myObject.count = 0 } const animate = () => { reset();, { duration: 5, count: 1000, onStart: () => setStart('gsap started'), onUpdate: () => setUpdate(myObject.count.toString()), onComplete: () => setComplete('gsap completed'), }); }; return ( <> <div>{start}</div> <div>{update}</div> <div>{complete}</div> <div><button onClick={animate}>Animate</button></div> </> ); } const CustomObjectProperty = <CustomObjectProperty />; From - To vs gsap.from() vs gsap.fromTo() function FromTo() { const ref = useRef() const animateFrom = () => { gsap.set(ref.current, { transformOrigin: "50% 50%", scale: 1, opacity: 1 }) gsap.from(ref.current, { duration: 3, scale: .1, opacity: .1 }); } const animateTo = () => { gsap.set(ref.current, { transformOrigin: "50% 50%", scale: 1, opacity: 1 }), { duration: 3, scale: .1, opacity: .1 }); } const animateFromTo = () => { gsap.fromTo( ref.current, { duration: 3, scale: .5, opacity: .5 }, { duration: 3, scale: 1.5, opacity: 1 } ); } return ( <> <img ref={ref} src={CocaColaSvg.src} style={{width: '100px'}} /> <div><button onClick={animateFrom}>AnimateFrom</button></div> <div><button onClick={animateTo}>AnimateTo</button></div> <div><button onClick={animateFromTo}>AnimateFromTo</button></div> </> ); } const FromTo = <FromTo />; Stagger stagger property puts a delay between animations. Advanced stagger object can be applied. We also can set a property with a callback function instead of a fixed value. const Circle = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => { const style = { display: 'inline-block', margin: '10px', width: '30px', height: '30px', borderRadius: '50%', background: props.clr } return <div style={style} className="circle945" ref={ref} {...props}/> }) function Stagger() { const ref = useRef() const circles = useRef() useEffect(() => circles.current = ref.current.querySelectorAll('.circle945'), []) const resetAnimation = () => gsap.set(circles.current, {scale: '.2', opacity: '.2', y: '-50'}) const animate = () =>, {duration: 1, scale: 1, opacity: 1, y: 0}) const animateWithStagger = () =>, {duration: 1, scale: 1, opacity: 1, y: 0, stagger: .25}) const animateWithFunc = () =>, {duration: 1, scale: 1, opacity: 1, y: () => randomNumFromTo(0, 50)}) return ( <div ref={ref}> <Circle clr="grey"/><Circle clr="green"/><Circle clr="blue"/><Circle clr="purple"/><Circle clr="orange"/> <div><button onClick={() => { resetAnimation(); animate(); }} >Animate</button></div> <div><button onClick={() => { resetAnimation(); animateWithStagger(); }}>Animate with stagger</button></div> <div><button onClick={() => { resetAnimation(); animateWithFunc(); }} >Animate with callback func</button></div> </div> ); } const Stagger = <Stagger />; Random random property exists in string form in GSAP 'random(-200, 200)' function Random() { const ref = useRef() const circles = useRef() useEffect(() => circles.current = ref.current.querySelectorAll('.circle945'), []) const animate = () => gsap.from(circles.current, {duration: 1, scale: .5, opacity: 1, y: "random(-100,100)"}) return ( <div ref={ref}> <Circle clr="grey"/><Circle clr="green"/><Circle clr="blue"/><Circle clr="purple"/><Circle clr="orange"/> <div><button onClick={() => { animate(); }} >Animate</button></div> </div> ); } const Random = <Random />; Delay GSAP has a delay property to control the start time of a tween. function Delay() { const ref1 = useRef() const ref2 = useRef() const animate = () => { gsap.set([ref1.current, ref2.current], {x: 0})[ref1.current, ref2.current], {duration: 1, x: 50})[ref2.current], {duration: 1, x: 100, delay: 1}) } return ( <> <Circle clr="grey" ref={ref1}/><Circle clr="green" ref={ref2}/> <div><button onClick={() => { animate(); }} >Animate</button></div> </> ); } const Delay = <Delay />; Timeline Timeline. We can put different animations on a single timeline and control them in whole. Timeline can be created with gsap.timeline() Tweens are added to the end of the timeline, so the second tween starts on the end of the first tween. No delays are needed anymore. With a delay we can shift our tweens on the timeline, but better to use a third position parameter function Timeline() { const tl = gsap.timeline() const ref1 = useRef() const ref2 = useRef() const animate = () => { gsap.set([ref1.current, ref2.current], {x: 0})[ref1.current, ref2.current], {duration: 1, x: 50}), {duration: 1, opacity: 0}), {duration: 1, x: 100}) } return ( <> <Circle clr="grey" ref={ref1}/><Circle clr="green" ref={ref2}/> <div><button onClick={() => { animate(); }} >Animate</button></div> </> ); } const Timeline = <Timeline />; Position parameter Position parameter can be an absolute or relative value. function PositionParameter() { const style = {width: "10px", height: "2px", margin: "10px"} const ref1 = useRef() const ref2 = useRef() const ref3 = useRef() const tl = gsap.timeline() const animate = () => { gsap.set([ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current], {width: "10px"})[ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current], {duration: 1, width: "100px"}), {duration: 1, width: "200px"}, 3), {duration: 1, width: "200px"}, "+=1"), {duration: 1, width: "200px"}, "-=2") } return ( <> <div ref={ref1} style={{, background: "red"}}></div> <div ref={ref2} style={{, background: "green"}}></div> <div ref={ref3} style={{, background: "orange"}}></div> <div><button onClick={() => { animate(); }} >Animate</button></div> </> ); } const PositionParameter = <PositionParameter />; Label Label. Instead of using a position parameter we can refer to a specific tween by creating a label and position our tween at a label. To create a label use a tl.addLabel('name', '+=1') method. function Label() { const style = {width: "10px", height: "2px", margin: "10px"} const ref1 = useRef() const ref2 = useRef() const ref3 = useRef() const tl = gsap.timeline() const animate = () => { gsap.set([ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current], {width: "10px"})[ref1.current, ref2.current, ref3.current], {duration: 1, width: "100px"}), {duration: 1, width: "200px"}, 3), {duration: 1, width: "200px"}, "+=1") tl.addLabel('label', "-=2"), {duration: 1, width: "200px"}, "label") } return ( <> <div ref={ref1} style={{, background: "red"}}></div> <div ref={ref2} style={{, background: "green"}}></div> <div ref={ref3} style={{, background: "orange"}}></div> <div><button onClick={() => { animate(); }} >Animate</button></div> </> ); } const Label = <Label />; Repeat Repeat. Tween or timeline can be repeated with a delay, yoyoed or infinite. function Repeat() { const style = {width: "10px", height: "2px", margin: "10px", background: 'red'} const ref = useRef() const animateRepeat = () => { const tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: 2, repeatDelay: .5}) gsap.set(ref.current, {width: "10px",background: 'red'}), {duration: 1, width: "100px"}), {duration: 1, width: "200px", background: "orange"}) } const animateRepeatYoyo = () => { const tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: 2, repeatDelay: .5, yoyo: true}) gsap.set(ref.current, {width: "10px",background: 'red'}), {duration: 1, width: "100px"}), {duration: 1, width: "200px", background: "orange"}) } const animateInfinitely = () => { const tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: -1, repeatDelay: .5}) gsap.set(ref.current, {width: "10px",background: 'red'}), {duration: 1, width: "100px"}), {duration: 1, width: "200px", background: "orange"}) } return ( <> <div ref={ref} style={style}></div> <div><button onClick={animateRepeat} >Animate with repeat</button></div> <div><button onClick={animateRepeatYoyo} >Animate with repeat & yoyo</button></div> <div><button onClick={animateInfinitely} >Animate infinitely</button></div> </> ); } const Repeat = <Repeat />; Play, resume, restart, progress Control. Timeline or tween can be controlled with methods play() , pause() , resume() , reverse() , restart() , timeScale() , progress() , kill() Note that timeline is initiated in a paused state tl = gsap.timeline({paused: true}) function PlayResumeRestartProgress() { const style = {width: "10px", height: "2px", margin: "10px", background: 'red'} const ref = useRef() const tl = gsap.timeline({paused: true}) useEffect(() => {, {duration: 1, width: "100px"}), {duration: 1, width: "200px", background: "orange"}, 1) },[tl] ) return ( <> <div ref={ref} style={style}></div> <button onClick={() =>} ></button> <button onClick={() => tl.pause()} >tl.pause()</button> <button onClick={() => tl.resume()} >tl.resume()</button> <button onClick={() => tl.reverse()} >tl.reverse()</button> <button onClick={() => tl.restart()} >tl.restart()</button> <button onClick={() => tl.timeScale(5)} >tl.timeScale(5)</button> <button onClick={() => tl.timeScale(1)} >tl.timeScale(1)</button> <button onClick={() => tl.timeScale(0.5)} >tl.timeScale(0.5)</button> <button onClick={() => tl.progress(0.25)} >tl.progress(0.25)</button> <button onClick={() => tl.kill()} >tl.kill()</button> </> ); } const PlayResumeRestartProgress = <PlayResumeRestartProgress />; Chaining Chaining. Methods of timeline can be chained. function Chaining() { const style = {width: "10px", height: "2px", margin: "10px", background: 'red'} const ref = useRef() const animate = () => { const tl = gsap.timeline() gsap.set(ref.current, {width: "10px",background: 'red'}) tl .fromTo(ref.current, {width: "10px",background: 'red'}, {duration: 1, width: "100px"}) .to(ref.current, {duration: 1, width: "200px", background: "orange"}) } return ( <> <div ref={ref} style={style}></div> <div><button onClick={animate} >Animate</button></div> </> ); } const Chaining = <Chaining />; Defaults Defaults. Repetitive properties of tweens in a timeline can be centrally assigned to defaults tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } }) . function Defaults() { const style = {width: "10px", height: "2px", margin: "10px", background: 'red'} const ref = useRef() const animate = () => { const tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } }) tl .fromTo(ref.current, {width: "10px",background: 'red'}, {width: "100px"}) .to(ref.current, {width: "200px", background: "orange"}) } return ( <> <div ref={ref} style={style}></div> <div><button onClick={animate} >Animate</button></div> </> ); } const Defaults = <Defaults />; Callbacks Callback parameters. Parameters to a callback function should be passed in an array in a special properties: onStartParams: [params] , onCompleteParams: [params] , onRepeatParams: [params] , onReverseCompleteParams: [params] , onUpdateParams: [params] function Callbacks() { const ref = useRef() const showMessage = (msg1, msg2) => { alert(msg1) alert(msg2) } const animate = () => {, { duration: 1, x: 100, onComplete: showMessage, onCompleteParams: ["I am A", "I am B"] }); }; return ( <> <img ref={ref1} src={CocaColaSvg.src} style={{width: '100px'}} /> <div><button onClick={animate}>Animate</button></div> </> ); } const Callbacks = <Callbacks />; Getters & setters Getters & setters. With some methods like time() , progress() , duration() , delay() , timeScale() we can both get and set values. function GettersSetters() { const ref = useRef() let tween useEffect(function() { tween = ref.current, {duration: 10, x: 200, repeat: -1, paused: true, immediateRender: false, delay:.5 } ); }, []) return ( <> <img ref={ref} src={CocaColaSvg.src} style={{width: '100px'}} /> <div><button onClick={() =>}></button></div> <div>getters</div> <button onClick={() => alert(tween.time())}>tween.time()</button> <button onClick={() => alert(tween.progress())}>tween.progress()</button> <button onClick={() => alert(tween.duration())}>tween.duration()</button> <button onClick={() => alert(tween.delay())}>tween.delay()</button> <button onClick={() => alert(tween.timeScale())}>tween.timeScale()</button> <div>setters</div> <button onClick={() => tween.time(parseFloat(prompt('', '5')))}>tween.time(arg)</button> <button onClick={() => tween.progress(parseFloat(prompt('', '0.9')))}>tween.progress(arg)</button> <button onClick={() => tween.duration(parseFloat(prompt('', '1')))}>tween.duration(arg)</button> <button onClick={() => tween.delay(parseFloat(prompt('', '1'))).restart(true)}>tween.delay(arg)</button> <button onClick={() => tween.timeScale(parseFloat(prompt('', '5')))}>tween.timeScale(arg)</button> </> ); } const GettersSetters = <GettersSetters />; getProperty Property value of animated element can be taken within a non-arrow callback function accessing this.targets() . To get a current property at any point of time we may use gsap.getProperty(elem, "x") method. function GetProperty() { const ref = useRef() const animate = () => {, { duration: 1, x: 100, opacity: 1, onComplete: function() { // get first tweened el to the console let elem = this.targets()[0]; alert(`x: ${gsap.getProperty(elem, "x")}`) } }); }; return ( <> <img ref={ref} src={CocaColaSvg.src} style={{width: '100px'}} /> <div><button onClick={animate}>Animate</button></div> </> ); } const GetProperty = <GetProperty />; Set value via function May use a function instead of a number/string for almost any property. Func will be called for each target. Returned value by the function will be set as the property value. GSAP will pass the following parameters into the function: - index - element being affected - An array of all elements affected by the tween function SetValueViaFunction() { const ref = useRef() const animate = () => { gsap.fromTo( ref.current.children, { opacity: 1, }, { opacity: function(i,el,els) { console.log(i, el, els) return 1 - 0.1*i }, stagger: .25 }, ); }; return ( <> <div ref={ref}> <span>h</span><span>e</span><span>l</span><span>l</span><span>o</span><span>{' '}</span> <span>g</span><span>s</span><span>a</span><span>p</span> </div> <div><button onClick={animate}>Animate</button></div> </> ); } const SetValueViaFunction = <SetValueViaFunction />; GSAP with React Use gsap in React via React.useRef() hook to target an element. import React from 'react'; import { gsap } from "gsap"; function Component() { const ref = React.useRef() const rotate = () =>, { rotation: "+=360" }); // animation on component load React.useEffect(() => { rotate(); }, []); return ( <> <div ref={ref} style={{width: '100px', height: '100px', background: 'LightGrey', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}> Box </div> <button onClick={rotate}>Rotate</button> </> ); } ScrollTo plugin Scroll on click can be smoothed natively by CSS property scroll-behavior: smooth . Or by JS with window.scroll({top: 2500, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth'}) or window.scrollBy({top: 100, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth'}) or el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }) But with GSAP ScrollToPlugin we can control the smoothness of scroll. import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { gsap } from 'gsap'; import randomNumFromTo from './../../../helpers/functions/randomNumFromTo'; import { ScrollToPlugin } from 'gsap/dist/ScrollToPlugin' // in next // import { ScrollToPlugin } from 'gsap/ScrollToPlugin' // in react gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); function ScrollTo() { const ref = useRef() const scroll400pxDown = () =>, {duration: 2, scrollTo: 400}); const scrollToId = () =>, {duration: 2, scrollTo: "#final-line"}); const scrollToIdWithOffset = () =>, {duration: 2, scrollTo: {y: "#final-line", offsetY: 50}}); const scrollWindow = () =>, {duration: 2, scrollTo: 400}); const scrollXY = () =>, {duration: 2, scrollTo: {y: 500, x: 500}, ease: "power2"}); const scrollWithAutoKill = () =>, {duration: 4, scrollTo:{y: 400, autoKill: true, onAutoKill: () => alert("autoKill")}}); const scrollMax = () =>, {duration: 2, scrollTo: {y: "max"}}); const scrollMin = () =>, {duration: 2, scrollTo: {y: "min"}}); return ( <div> <button onClick={scroll400pxDown}>scroll 400 px down</button> <button onClick={scrollToId}>scroll to id</button> <button onClick={scrollToIdWithOffset}>scroll to id with offset</button> <button onClick={scrollWindow}>scroll window</button> <button onClick={scrollXY}>scroll X & Y</button> <button onClick={scrollWithAutoKill}>scroll with autokill (drag scrollbar)</button> <button onClick={scrollMax}>scroll max</button> <button onClick={scrollMin}>scroll min</button> <Div ref={ref}> {new Array(20).fill('').map(() => <Line/>)} <div id="final-line" style={{background:`red`}}>final line with id</div> {new Array(20).fill('').map(() => <Line/>)} </Div> </div> ) } const rand = () => randomNumFromTo(0, 255) const Line = () => <div style={{ background:`rgb(${rand()} ${rand()} ${rand()} / 30%)`, width: "1000px"}} > line </div> const Div = styled.div ` height: 300px; overflow: auto; ` ScrollTrigger plugin GSAP ScrollTrigger plugin animates anything on scroll. import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { gsap } from 'gsap'; // import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger'; // in react import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger' // in next import styled from 'styled-components'; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); function Cmpt() { const ref = useRef() const ref1 = useRef() useEffect(() => { const container = ref.current const box1 = ref1.current, { scrollTrigger: { scroller: container, trigger: box1, start: "center 20%", // 20% of scroller hits center of box end: "+=400", // 400px from the start markers: true, horizontal: false, scrub: 1, // links animation directly to scrollbar progress with 1s delay pin: box1, // stick box to starting position while the rest scrolling onEnter: () => console.log('onEnter'), onEnterBack: () => console.log('onEnterBack'), onLeave: () => console.log('onLeave'), onLeaveBack: () => console.log('onLeaveBack'), onRefresh: () => console.log('onRefresh'), onUpdate: () => console.log('onUpdate'), onScrubComplete: () => console.log('onScrubComplete'), onSnapComplete: () => console.log('onSnapComplete'), onToggle: () => console.log('onToggle'), once: false, }, duration: 5, // not applied here 'coz scrub is enabled rotate: 360*2, x: 300, }); }, []) return ( <div style={{overflow: "auto", height: "300px"}} ref={ref}> Scroll down <Box top={100} ref={ref1}>box1</Box> <Box top={250}>box2</Box> </div> ) } const Box = styled.div ` position: relative; display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 50px; height: 50px; border: 1px solid black; top: ${props =>}px; ` TextPlugin GSAP TextPlugin can put or replaces text characters or words. It is probably the simplest text animation typewriting tool. import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { gsap } from 'gsap'; import { TextPlugin } from 'gsap/dist/TextPlugin' // in next // import { TextPlugin } from 'gsap/TextPlugin' // in react gsap.registerPlugin(TextPlugin); function Cmpt() { const textRef = useRef() const cursorRef = useRef() //blink cursor useEffect(() => {, { opacity: 0, ease: 'power2.inOut', repeat: -1, duration: .9 }) }, []) const replaceByCharacters = () =>{ textRef.current.innerText = "", { duration: 2, text: { value: 'This is the new text', delimiter: '', }, ease: 'none', }); } return ( <> <button onClick={replaceByCharacters}>Type text</button> <br /> <span ref={textRef}></span><span ref={cursorRef} style={{marginLeft:"1px"}}>|</span> </> ) } MotionPathPlugin With GSAP MotionPathPlugin we can move an element along a curve. There is a great MotionPathHelper tool to create a path curve, but unfortunately it is a paid tool. But we can create one on official gsap codepen where all plugins are accessible. Here is my simplified curve on codepen . import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { gsap } from 'gsap'; import { MotionPathPlugin } from 'gsap/MotionPathPlugin'; gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin); const path = [{x:0, y:100}, {x:100, y: 150}, {x:200, y:100}, {x:300, y:50}, {x:400, y:100}] function Cmpt() { const ref = useRef() useEffect(() => { gsap.set(ref.current, {x: 30, y: 100, xPercent:-50, yPercent:-50, transformOrigin: "50% 50%"}) }, []) function animate() { // gsap.set(ref.current, {x: 30, y: 100}) gsap.set(ref.current, {x: 30, y: 100, xPercent:-50, yPercent:-50, transformOrigin: "50% 50%"}), { motionPath: { path: path, // align: path, autoRotate: true, // alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], start: 0, end: 1, curviness: 0.8, }, transformOrigin: "50% 50%", duration: 5, ease: "linear" }); } return ( <div style={{height: "200px", position: "relative"}}> <Div ref={ref}/> <div><button onClick={animate}>Animate</button></div> { => <Coords style={{top: o.y, left: o.x}}/>)} </div> ) } function Coords(props) { return <Dot style={} /> } const toRender = <Cmpt /> const Div = styled.div ` display: inline-block; height: 20px; width: 40px; background-color: #0080005c; /* border-radius: 50%; */ border: 1px solid grey; position: absolute; ` const Dot = styled.div ` display: inline-block; height: 5px; width: 5px; border: 1px solid grey; border-radius: 50%; position: absolute; background-color: red; ` CSSRulePlugin JS can not select pseudo elements, but 'CSSRulePlugin' can. With CSSRulePlugin we can animate ::after element. Selector in CSSRulePlugin.getRule(selector) should be exactly the same as in CSS stylesheet. Because of that I use real CSS sheet for styling instead of Styled Components because it applies random class names. import React from 'react'; import { gsap } from 'gsap'; import { CSSRulePlugin } from 'gsap/CSSRulePlugin'; import randomNumFromTo from '../../../../helpers/functions/randomNumFromTo'; import './style73.css'; const rand = () => randomNumFromTo(1, 255); gsap.registerPlugin(CSSRulePlugin); const rule = CSSRulePlugin.getRule('.style73::after'); gsap.set(rule, {cssRule:{background: `rgb(255 0 0)`}}) function animate() {, { duration: 1, cssRule: { background: `rgb(${rand()} ${rand()} ${rand()})` }, }); } function Cmpt() { return ( <> <div className="style73" id="dfo9">el</div> <button onClick={animate}>Randomize pseudo element's color</button> </> ); } const toRender = <Cmpt />; /* style73.css */ .style73 { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid black; position: relative; } .style73::after { content:'::after el'; background-color: red; position: absolute; top: 0px; right: -80px; padding: 5px; color: white; } Note that we use gsap.set() to set initial color. No clue why but without it the element blinks on the button first click. On my phone it still blinks, maybe easier to avoid pseudo elements animation and use normal elements. And indeed, GSAP creators suggest to convert your pseudo-elements to real HTML elements and animate them . No example here, some problem in Next.